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HS Homes and Houses

Updated: Mar 2, 2021

Interest Area Changes to Environment

Popsicle Sticks Twigs Leaves Pictures of Houses Pictures of Habitats Foam Shapes Legos Roof Shingle Pieces (make sure it is not too rough on the sides) Large Boxes Cardboard Brick Blocks Clay Sand Castle Molds Tool Belt (Age appropriate) Blue Prints Tool Box (Age appropriate) Construction Hat Construction Cones Famous Structures Block Book

Teaching Concepts for Large Group 1. Where Do You Live Graph - Discuss the different types of homes. Ask the children what kind of home they live in and then graph it on a chart. 2.  What are some things we all have that are alike in our homes?  What are somethings that are different that we may not all have in our home? 3.  What is the difference in people’s houses and animal’s houses? Could we live in an animal habitat?  Are all animal habitats the same? Teaching Concepts for Small Group 1.  Room Sorting –  Provide a variety of items found in the home. Set up boxes with labels for each room (Kitchen, Bathroom, Living Room, etc.) Have children place objects in correct box of where each item would normally be found. (Example: Toothbrush goes in Bathroom Box. Fork goes in Kitchen Box. Pillow goes in Bedroom Box.) 2.  Shape Houses - Provide an assortment of foam shapes (squares, triangles, rectangles, and circles). Have children glue a variety of shapes onto a large piece of construction paper to create shape houses. 3. Paper Bag House - Give each child a brown paper bag. Have them decorate the bag to look like a house, with a variety of materials (felt, construction paper, markers, etc.). When done, stuff bag with newspaper. Staple top together. Fold a piece of construction paper or scrap book paper in half, and staple it on the top of the house for a roof. 4.  Building Materials Exploration - Place building materials (wood, bricks, canvas, shingles, etc.) in the discovery area with magnifying glasses.  Discuss textures. 5.  In the block center have tool belt, tool box, construction hat, etc..  Have the children “build their house”.  Ask questions like “What materials do we need?  What do we use this tool for? What kind of house is this?  How many rooms, doors, and windows are we going to have?” Teaching Concepts for Music Movement Wellness IMIL 1. Some People Live In (Tune: The Old Grey Mare) Some people live in, apartments Live in apartments, live in apartments Some people live in, apartments That’s where some people live. Some people live in, mobile homes Live in mobile homes, live in mobile homes Some people live in, mobile homes That’s where some people live. Some people live in; big houses Live in big houses, live in big houses Some people live in, big houses That’s where some people live. Some people live in, little houses Live in little houses, live in little houses Some people live in, little houses That’s where some people live. Teaching Concepts for Fingerplays 1. Homes Here is a house for a robin (hold hands open) Here is a hive for a bee (close hands together) Here is a hole for a bunny (make a circle with hands) Here is a home for me (point around) Teaching Concepts for Outdoor Experiences 1.  Take boxes outside to build houses, cities, etc.. 2.  Take a nature walk and look for different animal habitats. CLASS Concepts Draw a picture of a house and ask the students what it is. Ask them why homes are important? Do we need them? Why? Then show a magazine cutout picture of a home and ask if everyone around the world lives in a home that looks like that. Ask them why they think people from different places live in different types of homes. Discuss the reasons such as materials that are available, climate, location, etc. Introduce words such as community and resources. Discuss what parts of homes are needs and what parts are wants. Lead the students to recognize that shelter is a need, but things like carpet, television, and decorations are wants. Discuss the important things that are going on in all homes (talking, sleeping, eating/cooking, caring). • Explain to the children that animals have different homes that they live in called habitats. Set out two boxes, one with a photo of an ocean and one with a photo of a rainforest. Then give each student the picture of an animal, all of which live in either the ocean or in the rainforest, and ask them to place their animal into the appropriate box. Possible pictures include those of whales, seals, fish, octopi, sharks, monkeys, toucans, tigers, and jaguars. Most children should be able to differentiate between animals that make their homes in the water and those that make their homes in trees and on dry land. Tie it in to the previous activity by discussing wants and needs of the animals. “What do the animals need to survive? What do you think they want? Why?”

Teaching Concepts for Distance Learning

1. Make a tunnel using chairs and a blanket. Have fun crawling through it and running around it.

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